Monday, August 06, 2012

"The Brain": Step 2 - Mounting the brain

Oli tells me that someone else is reading this blog; I had better put something on it!

Step 2 is another difficult step in my opinion. Firstly I had to trim the lower half of the plastic brain without cracking it. Secondly, it involves cutting and drilling acrylic sheet, which seems to crack at the least touch!

1) Trim the brain
Carefully cut away the excess plastic.

2) Plan the support system.
I had always intended to mount the brain on a single acrylic tube, down which I would put the wires to the electronic circuit boards. Whether this could be made reasonably strong and rigid was the question.

3) Prepare the clear acrylic "main plate".
Cut a 5mm acrylic plate which will support the brain, its hard drive, LEDs and their wiring. The profile was hard to get right and cut out with a saw. Various fixing holes and wire apertures were drilled.

Note it is covered in protective plastic - it will end up glass-clear.

Bottom view

 Top view

4) Build the support structure.
Prepare a wooden support block, acrylic tube and temporary wooden base.

Bolt the support block to the plate and epoxy the acrylic tube.

Fit the tube into a temporary wooden support plank.

Wooden plank is a temporary support.
White finish on the plate is temporary

5) See if it looks as though it will be ok:

Top half of brain is still to be trimmed.

6) Next:- Electronics, LEDs, Hard drive, PCBs etc

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