Wednesday, January 23, 2013

"The Brain" Finished Product

Months after hand-over, I thought I ought to show the finished product:

It meets the brief really well: It is a 1Tb USB external drive in the form of a transparent brain on a plinth. It has a simple "heart beat" display when it is idle and a range of animated light regimes when the drive is accessed.

Has red "heart beat" when idling.

More spectacular when being accessed.


Joost L said...

How can you not have any comments here telling you how -awesome- this project/result is!?!? :-) It's incredible! I've found your blog after having a similar, but not quite the same, idea. I'd really like to try this vacuum forming myself...and work out my own idea. The sculpting looks very difficult though, but you did a great job on this big brain.

QRT said...

Many thanks for your comments. I really enjoyed doing it. I've hardly had any page views - I should really reference this blog from Instructables, or Facebook to give it some exposure.

I'm no sculptor, I don't have an artistic neurone in my brain! All you really need is a good general shape (which I got from google images of brain cross-sections). There is some detail in mine, but you don't need to get it anatomically correct!

Best wishes if you do something similar!